Sunday, 03 June 2007

Ice brains...

We must be the dumbest bunch living on this planet. I have just watched a show on BBC that was worse than watching Freddie in Nightmare on Elm Street (ok. I realize that I show my age as that is the LAST horror I ever watched!).

Can you believe that there are currently a few large countries (up know the first world ones with all the ‘brains’ that should really know better) that are fighting for the rights to the Artic Circle in terms of the moral poison….oil and fishing! To make matters worse they are also fighting to open the sea passage (through the Artic) to get to Asia, which could never been done before as the area was 2 frozen! NOW SADLY the ice has melted so badly over the last 3 decades that a few ships have in fact made their way through! This was really the final frontier until now… real virgin land. Something in the pit of my stomach is screaming NOOOOOO! Can you imagine if this already naturally degraded treasure suddenly becomes the new ‘road’ or rather right of passage to the east?! We are fishing the seas to death, blasting and polluting the land & sea to find oil and trailing our filthy dirty ships through the North Pole. In reality this world belongs to us all. I say stuff the treaties between countries and companies, ask the people what they think!!! Is global warming evidence not enough… when will we learn???


Unknown said...

Quite a shocker, but their is some hope, there is a treaty in the work that is looking to make the Arctic an area of 'common heritage to mankind'. Effectively it will make the entire area a giant nature reserve, outlawing all military and commercial activity. If successfully it would be very similar to the treaty governing the use on the antarctic. Although, the opening of the northern passage may lead certain nations *cough* USA *cough* to veto the treaty, but still, we can always hope !

Candice said...

Thanks for this comment! Very interesting...